Patent Portfolio Analysis
With the rise of innovation in the fields of Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, the nervous system, and more, companies want to join the ranks of analytics as part of decision-making to grow in areas related to the company. Typically, the value of a company’s patent portfolio can be an important part of the company’s total value. Merger and Acquisition (M&A) data, including AT&T-Time Warner ($ 86 billion), Qualcomm-NXP semiconductors ($ 47 billion) and Microsoft-LinkedIn ($ 26.1 billion) contracts, are as important as ever. .
Importance of Portfolio Analysis
So how useful is an organization interested in patent investigation? Patent analysis provides key competitors with key competencies, related technologies, and helps predict the value of patents belonging to key competitors. In this regard, tools such as patent landscape research and patent portfolio analysis are beneficial to the company’s overall search strategy. The analysis of big patent information provides a better understanding of the “big picture” to allow informed entrepreneurs to make informed decisions. Patent landscape research helps identify potential patent packages to purchase, current or potential violators to be monitored, and available technology. In addition, patent landscape research helps companies identify gaps in research and development, which patents are the most valuable, which patents are semi-discoveries and enhancements, and the most patented and frequently patented technology areas.
Analyzing your patent portfolio can be a boring, one-dimensional process that offers a suitable approach for everyone. Our analysts combine technical and patent applications with powerful analytical tools and special methods to provide relevant patent research and scientific investigations. These reports cover the multidimensional aspects of any patent family, interactive pies and drawings, keyword clouds, location, and name card. In our sample report, learn more about the interactive tools we use for patent folder analysis, and check out some of the interactive results.
Easily accessible and fully understood Portfolios hold all your patent portfolios. But what really makes our new IP program so recyclable now is that you can now look directly at a company's patent package and see information about the status of patent applications, the expiration date of patents, and what future patent costs mean. Folder. This is a completely new level of competitiveness.
Experienced structured data structures make CPR patent portfolio analysis simple and straightforward. We obtain licensed practical information from the European Patent Office (EPO) and combine it with our own research data on official fees, association fees, patent periods and current exchange rates. We use real dates for each patent family and estimated dates and costs in each country to calculate and report the data in the portfolio of EVERY company we want to investigate later. In summary, you can focus on the results, we have done for you.